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The Future adds three NPCs that can be encountered throughout your runs, with two of them appearing exclusively in the new area.

Steven Gate

Steven Gate has a 33% chance to appear in a random dead-end room on Caves/Catacombs/Flooded Caves II or Mines/Ashpit II. When interacted with, he will have a few lines of dialogue that are different depending on the character you're playing as. After the dialogue is complete, Steven will open his mouth, revealing a portal to The Future.

List of unique dialogue lines

Character Dialogue



you reek of sadness!

please poke your head into the future!



need a professional opinion

would i look cute with a bow?


i’ll take your silence as a yes



oh cool pirate costume

arrrrgh! there be loot yonder

step inside into ye abyss and...

damn. lost it

okay, you can go



a fez? really?

not sure how out of style that is but

I hope you dont leave a bad aftertaste


Blue Baby

you seem familiar

you dont happen to have a ball problem, do you?

the smell is telling me otherwise



you look a lot like my ex!

well, minus the dead bird

she sure was a demon in disguise, though

... get in here before i change my mind



hold your horses, pal

im in pretty high demand

you gotta wait at the back of the line-

hey, whered everybody go?

you killed them all?




*gasp* a vampire!

i dont have my garlic!

or my stakes!

but i know your one weakness

you cant come in without being invited!

ill even do this to prove a point



you afraid of death?

i know a couple of guys

theyre all about it

figured youd like to meet them



i see you!

behind the screen

youre slouching

sit up straight!


The Lost

AH! i didnt notice you come in

dont do that next time



must be nice having friends

oh me? yeah i got tons

do you wanna meet them?



hey man you alright?

you look parched

do you need a glass of water?

my friends could probably go get one for you



you upset me

how does a statue walk?

thats not my business to pry

but they might ask you


The Forgotten

spooky scary skeletons!

send shivers down your spine!

shrieking skulls will shock your soul

and seal your doom tonight!

im not being skeleton racist, am i?



can you read?

could i ask for a favor

i need you to do my taxes before friday

in return ill show you a cool place

here, ill pay upfront


Jacob & Esau

what? theres two of you now?

one was enough, lets be real

i understand the struggle though

there are alot of me as well


Tainted Isaac

my third eye is twitching

are you ready to receive our gift?


Tainted Magdalene

christ, what happened to your hair?

car accident? bar fight?

mauled by a mutant bear?

if youre on the run, then get in here

i swear i wont rat you out


Tainted Cain

you remind me of someone

he was missing an eye as well

if you see him...

tell him i said hi


Dark Judas or Tainted Judas

youre not one of me, are you?

no, i didnt think so

but you could be

youd fit right in


Tainted Blue Baby

oh my god

yknow what just–

just get in here. you REEK

im gonna need a mint after this


Tainted Eve

you remind me a lot of myself

sad, depressed, miserable…


you should reconsider this


Tainted Samson

somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed

a case of the grumps!

piss in the cereal!

...for the record, those were all jokes

lighten up, jeez


Tainted Azazel

sorry about the wings

must hurt like a bitch!

ouch, and the horn

not having a good day, huh?

maybe things will get better in here


Tainted Lazarus

wait, im confused

so are there two of you?

or is it just a split personality?

which ones the real deal?


Tainted Eden

ive had tons of people walk into my mouth

you though?

just dont mess up anything in there

or else


Tainted Lost

man i havent seen anyone in a while

where is everyone?

someone usually visits by now

making me kinda... *yawwwwwn*


Tainted Lilith

oh! whens your baby due–

oh. whoa


just make sure you treat that... thing with respect

and dont feed it after midnight!


Tainted Keeper

hey now, not anyone can just get in here for free

theres a toll! thirty bucks, pay up

what? its only pennies down here?

whatever! keep your change


Tainted Apollyon

hey... a fellow portal brother

where does yours lead?

it only pulls bugs out? thats lame

check mine out


Tainted Forgotten

haha look at this guy

sitting on the floor, cant even move

what a loser


sorry. guys like us gotta stick together


Tainted Bethany

into future blind

many and many and more

rapture be confined

you like that? i wrote it myself

you seem the bright and intelligent type

well, for someone with a hole in their head


Tainted Jacob

keep that thing on a leash, man

oh wait

you do

i dont allow pets but... you seem responsible

Hungry Steven

Hungry Steven is a beggar-type NPC that appears exlusively in The Future, found randomly in regular rooms. When approached, a dialogue box will pop up, depicting a random passive collectible that the player already holds. Touching the NPC will remove said item and after a short period of chewing, the NPC will spit out another, random item from any of the following Item Pools:

  • Treasure Room
  • Shop
  • Devil Room
  • Angel Room
  • Secret Room

After spawning an item, the NPC will disappear.

Hungry Steven can be bombed, which has a 33% chance to kill him. If that chance fails, the NPC will glitch out and the item in the dialogue box will be rerolled to another item in the player's possession. If the NPC is killed, it will drop either a single Soul Heart or 1-2 random Pills.

Scalper Magoo

Scalper Magoo is an NPC that appears exclusively in The Future, found only in Secret Rooms. When a Secret Room is entered for the first time, Scalper Magoo will appear in the middle and spawn 5 random purchasable items or pickups with randomized costs. If the player has traded items with Hungry Stevens before entering the Secret Rooms, the items on Scalper Magoo's sale can appear as the items given to Hungry Stevens, allowing to get these items back.

Scalper Magoo cannot be killed but bombing him will cause him to grimace and increase the price of all items he sells by a random amount between 1 and 3 coins.

Leaving and re-entering the Secret Room will cause Scalper Magoo to disappear along with all his offers and make the player unable to interact with them anymore.


  • If Steven Gate did not spawn in the second floor of chapter 2, the player may go to the second floor of chapter 2.5 immediately after, allowing for one more chance for finding the NPC.
  • If Steven Gate is spawned directly in The Future and then interacted with, he will have a unique dialogue:

hey buddy, what do you think youre doing here?

you want to go to the future? again?

dont think about it too hard...


were stuck in a loop, steven

  • If the player has no passive items collected, Hungry Steven's dialogue box will rapidly cycle through all passive items in the game (including modded items).