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Spookies are ghosts found in The Future. They behave like Horfs, remaining immobile in one spot and periodically shooting 3 projectiles in quick succession at Isaac when he is within range. When a Spookie's HP drops to or below 0, it will fade away momentarily, and if the room is not cleared within time, the Spookie will re-appear in its original spot, healing a portion of its maximum HP back in health. The only way for all Spookies to remain dead is to kill all other enemies including the Spookies, or to clear the room after pressing all Silver Buttons in the room.

  • The time it takes for Spookies to re-appear after death starts at 30 seconds, and changes depending on different factors:
    • If there only Spookies currently left in the room, the time will start at only 15 seconds instead of 30.
    • If a single Spookie has died more than once, the time will be increased by 2 seconds for each additional time it was killed.
    • If there is more than one Spookie in the room, the time is increased by 1 second for each additional Spookie in the room.
  • The HP of a Spookie when it re-appears is equal to its maximum HP minus 4, multiplied by the number of times the Spookie has died. The amount of HP healed can not go below 50% of the Spookie's maximum HP.


Ol' Spookie

Ol' Spookies behave identically to Spookies, but have less health and spawn 2 Spiders after dying.

Wicked Spookie

Wicked Spookies are a variant of Spookie that is unused, and does not appear in any room in The Future. Wicked Spookies shoot projectiles at a slower rate than Spookies, but they exude a purple aura which inflicts fear on Isaac when he steps into it, preventing him from shooting tears.


  • Spookies are a reference to the enemy of the same name from The Legend of Bumbo.
  • Ol' Spookies are designed after the character Tainted Lost.