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  • Floats in one place, blocking player's tears and dealing contact damage.
  • Not required to be killed in order to clear the room.
  • Comes in two variants — small and normal, with the latter being larger and having more health.
  • Many other enemies have special interactions with Tumors.
  • Chases the player.
  • Each time a Flippant or Flippant Pacer/Gusher in the room dies, all Flippants and Flippant Pacers/Gushers of the same color have a chance to flip, freezing in place and becoming intangible, while all Flippants and Flippant Pacers/Gushers of the opposite color become tangible and continue chasing.
Flippant Pacer
  • Roams around the room aimlessly, dealing contact damage.
  • Will swap alongside Flippants.
Flippant Gusher
  • Roams around the room aimlessly, periodically firing short-range projectiles in random directions.
  • Will swap alongside Flippants.
  • Chases the player.
  • Can pathfind through Wrap Walls to reach the player.
  • Spawns 1-2 small Tumors upon death.
  • Slowly chases after the player.
  • Can pathfind through Wrap Walls to reach the player.
  • Occasionally farts, spawning 2-3 small Tumors.
  • On death, either spawns a medium Tumor or transforms into a Half Monger.
Half Monger
  • Roams around the room randomly, leaving a trail of slowing creep.
  • Periodically spawns 1-2 small Tumors.
  • The body roams around the room aimlessly, while the fish rotates around it in the clockwise direction.
    • The radius and speed at which the fish rotates depends on the room layout.
  • If damaged or approached, begins to chase the player.
Selfish Knight
  • Roams around the room in cardinal directions, vulnerable to damage only by shooting the Steven face.
    • Selfish Knights with white Steven faces move in the direction of that face, while Selfish Knights with black Steven faces move in the direction opposite to that face.
  • When the player stands in front of the Steven face, Selfish Knight will perform a charge in that direction, regardless of what direction it was moving before.
    • Upon hitting an obstacle, bounces back a bit and becomes briefly stunned.
  • Each time a Selfish Knight in the room dies, all other Selfish Knights have a chance to flip their heads.
  • Roams around the room aimlessly, periodically creating a wavy line of dots on the ground and after a while sends down a line of projectiles that follow these dots.
    • The dot line will attempt to path towards the player in one spot.
  • Slides around the room randomly, leaving a trail of slowing creep.
  • Occasionally performs a jump towards the player, leaving a larger puddle of creep upon landing.
Family Baby
  • Slowly floats towards the player, periodically launching small Tumors at them.
  • Occasionally disappears and causes a random Tumor in the room to glow white. Shortly after, Family Baby teleports onto the Tumor, destroying it and creating a ring of either 4 or 8 projectiles, depending on whether the Tumor was small or medium respectively.
  • Roams around the room, while the growth on its back periodically fires projectiles at the player.
  • If there are Tumors in the room, moves towards them in order to suck them up.
  • The growth on its back will grow slowly over time or once enough Tumors have been consumed.
    • After sucking enough Tumors, the growth increases in size and now its projectiles will redirect themselves towards the player after traveling a certain distance.
    • After sucking even more Tumors, the growth becomes so heavy that Sisyphus falls on the ground and becomes immobile, and the growth's projectiles can redirect themselves twice.
  • Upon death, releases multiple small and medium Tumors, depending on the size of its growth.
Carcinoma Heart
  • Attempts to avoid the player, releasing four small Tumors in cardinal directions when threatened.
  • When summoning Tumors, if there are any Carcinoma Masks chained to the Heart, the Masks will be reeled back.
  • On death, spawns a medium Tumor.
Carcinoma Mask
  • Roams around the room somewhat freely, although sometimes chained to a Carcinoma Heart.
  • Charges at the player when lined up with them.
  • Unlike regular Masks, does not die when its corresponding Heart dies. Instead, only the chain will break and the Mask will continue to roam until all other enemies are killed.
  • Moves along either the horizontal or vertical axis and deals contact damage, reversing direction when it hits a rock or wall.
  • On death, splits into two Kuko Jrs that travel in opposite directions perpendicularly to the original Kuko's trajectory.
Kuko Jr.
  • Moves along either the horizontal or vertical axis and deals contact damage.
  • Usually encountered when spawned from Kuko.
  • Bounces diagonally around the room, collecting any Tumors on its path.
    • Collected Tumors form a trail behind Metabolite.
    • When damaged, sucks surrounding Tumors in, briefly increasing its collection range.
  • Bounces around the room, collecting any Tumors on its path.
    • Collected Tumors orbit around Metabulon on an orbit that gradually increases in radius.
    • When damaged, sucks surrounding Tumors in, briefly increasing its collection range, while also resetting the radius of the orbiting Tumors.
  • Bounces up and down, being affected by gravity, which pulls it either towards the top or bottom of the room.
  • Upon death, releases a ring of 6 projectiles.
S. Blob
  • Slides around the room, periodically releasing four Continuum projectiles, alternating between shooting them in the cardinal or diagonal directions.
  • Roams around the room, periodically creating inverted, semi-transparent copies of itself that trail behind it.
    • Upon death, the copies create ghostly explosions, with the last copy of the trail releasing a triple shot of spectral projectiles aimed at the player.
  • At the start of the room, pairs with another enemy in the room, mirroring its position constantly.
  • Occasionally flips and switches positions with its paired enemy, releasing a ring of four rotating projectiles when teleporting.
  • If its paired enemy is killed first, it will leave the room.
  • Floats around the room, occasionally clapping its hands, triggering the "flipping" mechanics of any enemies which possess them in the room.
    • The affected enemies are: Flippant, Flippant Pacer/Gusher, Selfish Knight, Fecalection, and Frayer.
  • Not required to be killed for room clear.
  • Floats around the room. After a short period, produces 3 turret growths attached to itself aimed in various directions.
    • The turrets then proceed to frequently fire projectiles in the directions they are facing while the Moretug continues to move around.
    • If all the turrets are destroyed or if enough time passes, it will revert to its default form.
  • Remains stationary.
  • Whenever another enemy dies while an Oswald is in the room, another Oswald is created in the spot it died.
  • When killed or after all non-Oswald enemies have been killed, explodes into a ring of 8 Steven projectiles.
  • Moves alongside a specified axis, slowly gaining more and more speed until it becomes extremely fast.
    • Explodes upon contact with a wall or obstacle, thus often encountered alongside Wrap Walls.
  • Remains stationary, periodically firing a line of 3 shots towards the player.
  • Dissipates upon taking too much damage but does not die.
    • Reappears after a short while, as long as there are other enemies alive.
Ol' Spookie
  • Behaves the same as Spookie, but spawns 2 Spiders each time it disappears.
  • Can be either stationary, move alongside a specified axis, or travel alongside the outline of the room's walls and obstacles.
  • While normally intangible, periodically puffs up, gaining the ability to block shots and deal contact damage for a short while, before returning to its original form.
  • Immune to damage and not required for room clear.
  • Polty variant which picks up Piles O' Bones and throws them at the player.
  • If there are no Piles O' Bones in the room, leaves.
Pile O' Bones
  • By default, remains stationary and periodically fires bones at the player if in line of sight.
  • Can be picked up by Ferrymen, which causes it to fire bones more frequently.
  • Immune to damage and not required for room clear.
  • Remains stationary and invulnerable, blocking enemy and player projectiles and dealing contact damage.
  • Comes in various sizes, used mostly as another form of obstacle.
  • Immune to damage and not required for room clear.
  • Remains stationary.
  • If the player moves into its line of sight, it will begin to charge a laser that will perfectly track the player and deal damage to them after a while.
    • If the player moves out of sight, the laser will be deactivated.
  • Immune to damage and not required for room clear.
Warp Pipe
  • Consists of two paired entities: a Head and an Ass.
    • The Head will consume various enemies and redirect them to the Ass, which will launch them towards the player shortly after.
      • Can consume Tumors, which will cause the Ass to release small volleys of projectiles towards the player.
  • Immune to damage and not required for room clear.
  • Immobile and invulnerable.
  • Produces a constant field of force that pushes the players, enemies, and all projectiles away from them.
  • Becomes disabled upon clearing the room.